What is Solidarity?: Arriscraft Speaker Series

Lecture Series Poster

Movements, research, and design for another world

The 2020-2021 Waterloo Architecture Arriscraft Speaker Series What is Solidarity? asks: how can architects participate in collective, long-term social movements for change and advocate within and beyond professional obligations? The series welcomes activists, researchers, designers, and artists demanding Indigenous land sovereignty, disability justice, abolition of police and prisons, the right to secure housing, non-extractive construction, and access to culturally nourishing food. Each session brings three speakers into conversation about how their work supports Land Back, Disability Justice, Abolition, Right to Remain, Anti-Extractivism and Food Sovereignty, and to imagine how architects might too. This series of discussions will be linked to student-led workshops to facilitate deeper conversations about how solidarities might resonate within the school and beyond. The series is curated by faculty members and students representing student groups Treaty Lands, Global StoriesBridge, and the Sustainability Collective. These groups and other Waterloo Architecture students have joined uprisings against the racist and exclusionary legacies of colonialism and white supremacy, calling for transformation of their education and chosen profession. By listening to, learning from, and joining movements for change, architecture can collaborate and co-conspire in the making of another world.

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