Living Architecture Systems Group to host live webinar after release of new episode

Living Dialogs Episode Launch Poster

Living Dialogs is a podcast series presented by @lasg_research that brings together scholars and thinkers to collectively reflect on living architecture and its implications for our changing world. The latest episode, featuring Behnaz FarahiBianca Weeko MartinMichael Lee PoyBrian Porter, is now live on their website and available through all major podcast apps. In this episode, four guests from diverse backgrounds and practices explore the connections between inclusivity and the philosophy and practice of Living Architecture.

We invite you to listen and to contribute your own thoughts and comments to the discussion at the bottom of the webpage - the Living Dialogs team will be including some of these comments in the live webinar, to be held March 31st at 1 pm. Register for the webinar here. Thanks for being part of the Dialog!

Living Dialogs team: Rob Gorbet, Edgar Cardenas, Sarah Bonnemaison, Sascha Hastings, Bianca Weeko Martin